Tuesday 7 September 2010

Trout Fishing In The Fall - 2 Highly Effective Fall Trout Fishing Techniques

I have been trout fishing for more than two decades and in that time I have always found the fall of the year to be the most productive season for catching trout, especially when you are talking about river fishing scenarios. The fall has always been my most productive trout fishing time not only for numbers of trout, but for trophy trout (trout over twenty inches) as well. Fishing for trout in the fall also offers some of the best weather and scenery that can be had when fishing for these beautiful fish.

The following fishing techniques are 2 of the most highly effective techniques that can be used when trout fishing in the fall of the year. One is for river fishing and the other is for fishing for trout in lakes or large pools, so your bases will be covered no matter what type of water you are fishing for trout in. The bottom line is that these to fishing techniques should be added to your fall trout fishing arsenal sooner rather than later.

The Casting Bubble Technique - The casting bubble technique obviously involves the use of a 'casting bubble' (sometimes called a fly fishing bubble) to fish an artificial fly. Anyone who fishes for trout knows how effective artificial flies can be as bait and with the casting bubble technique anyone can fish with an artificial fly. In other words, with the casting bubble technique being a "fly fisherman" isn't necessary. The technique itself involves using a casting bubble, a tapered leader, and an artificial fly of your choice. The casting bubble (or fly fishing bubble) adds weight to your line giving you the ability to cast and fish an artificial fly effectively with normal spin fishing gear. This trout fishing technique is most effective in lakes, ponds, or large pools in rivers containing hungry trout.

The Live Worm Technique - The live worm technique involves the use of a live worm (obviously) or a synthetic trout worm such as a Powerbait trout worm. Your worm is the allowed to drift naturally with the current of your favorite trout fishing river. The key to this technique is to have your worm bounce or "roll" along the bottom of the river as it flows naturally with the current. This trout fishing technique involves the use of a set of #10 gang hooks that are attached to your line with a small barrel swivel. Weight is added to your rig by using split shot sinkers on the rod side (or above) of the barrel swivel. This fishing technique is effective at all times of the year, but becomes highly effective in the fall of the year.

If you want to catch more and bigger trout on your next fall fishing trip, make these two techniques a part of your fishing arsenal. As I said, these techniques have been highly effective for me over the past couple of decades and I know the will serve you well also. Master these two trout fishing techniques and the fall will become your favorite time of the year for fishing for trout just like it is for me.

A casting bubble kit for fall trout fishing

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Kugler